Art Motives (Dream, Goal, and Habit Platform)

planning, productivity, scheduling

Art Motives Icon
Art Motives Icon

Art Motives is a dream, goal, and habit planning tool! Careful consideration has been taken to create an environment that hopefully will help you to reach your dreams! Feedback is highly appreciated as I craft this vision!

Please view the terms of service in the About page of the app! No data is sent to 3rd parties and you may uninstall the app (on Android) or close the website (on Choreo) and cease to use it if you refuse the terms.



Art Motives on Google Play

Art Motives on Choreo

If using Choreo, please allow 5-15 seconds for the freely hosted server to scale up. Once it loads it should perform fine while you use the app.

Both are free, and no account is required yet to use the app.

Goals Page View (Example schedule shown) Habits Page View (Test habits shown)
Unlock Page (Mobile View) Settings Page (Mobile View)