Decentralized Search Engine Idea


Many geeks in a community internet cafe (

Given the slow rise of misinformation over time, and the obvious bias of the existing search giants, it makes sense that in order to solve the problem searches must take place over a decentralized network. For one, this provides more certainty of freedom of speech and that those that are searching for your words can find them. Additionally, it makes sense from a naturalistic perspective: nature goes where it wants to unless stopped.

This technology should be designed with the philosophy that life is self-serving. The initial audience will likely be people who have seen the bias in web search or social media, and are looking for an alternative approach to world-view building. As the world view is important for life decisions, the utmost sacredness should be applied to the individual’s perceptions. Any subtle tear in the fabric of trust can lead to paranoia and anti-social behavior.

To this end, it makes sense to allow some anonymous posting (if the identity of the individual is divulged to a government database.) These accounts should be clearly marked as non-identifying and with a warning to view the content with suspicion. Named accounts on the other hand, should be individuals willing to sacrifice privacy for the greater good. For example, someone encountering gang violence may wish to journal their observations for others in the community (so they may avoid violence or gang involvement.) Without decentralized search, this information may never reach the public.

However, one issue with approaching the problem of misinformation from the search side is that a) people need to be aware that there’s a competitor that they can use and b) they need to be able to search for news relating to any new search engines in an unbiased way.

Some additional features may provide additional value to the engine. For example, users should be able to leave comments on a search article and on the domain of those results as well. Older votes should slowly fade from consideration, and people should be allowed to re-vote once their old vote is no longer in effect.

Additionally, a viewable network graph should be provided to the users showing sites they prefer to view, and with anonymous statistics of other sites that may be of interest due to the connection. Facebook, for example, already has a friends list and the means to share information between users. However this data is processed by Facebook and there’s no guarantee your friend will ever see your message.

America is a large and powerful nation, yet we rely on mostly the same source for all searches (from observation, it seems to be.) One possible reason for this is that we are only seeing results which are vetted by some inner tech circle, oligarchs, politicians, or whatever. There are obvious concerns in allowing unbridled communications with foreign nations. This is where things technically become much trickier.

It is due to this that I release this document in hopes the greater tech community will strive for community progress. With economic tail-winds indicating that higher and higher amounts of personal wealth are required for survival, the tech community should abandon their greed in pursuit of a socially just purpose.