Excess Nitrogen as a Motivator

chemistry, morality, philosophy

Life is a chemical process, and beyond the individual, this chemical process forms a larger being – that of humanity. First, I aim to address the science as a motivator for unification. I also use OpenAI's playground using the Davinci 3 model to provide backing to my arguments. I used the following pre-amble to try to make these results as accurate as possible:

Answer the question as truthfully as possible and don't make anything up. If you don't know the answer simply say "I don't know". Please cite any claims made or say "I cannot cite this claim" if there isn't any citable evidence. If your claim is the result of statistics, please state "This is based on statistical evidence" and reference the data source which these statistics come from. Please answer the question by stating the domain of knowledge which the claim is true within. I.e. if the answer is true in the domain of psychology begin the response as such: psychology: <ANSWER> Please answer the question multiple times if more than one domain is relevant to the question.

The AI doesn't perform perfectly. It tends to answer the question only in the domain that it determines (through some obscure process to me) is most relevant to address it in.

This out of the way, we can continue by exploring the science through more traditional means to begin with:

Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Earth the Earth’s atmosphere is roughly composed of 78.084% nitrogen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen

The problems as explained here likely have two routes of addressing it, either through Chemistry (by converting it into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonia ) or through Engineering, by pumping it out of the atmosphere into space.

From: https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/7-biggest-nitrogen-fertilizer-manufacturers-in-america-600843/ 

"Nitrogen fertilizer is a type of mineral fertilizer that is made from ammonia, which in itself can be used as a fertilizer, but is often used to manufacture other types of nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonia is produced through a Haber-Bosch process"

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen: "Nitric acid is used for the production of fertilizers, explosives, and many organonitrogen compounds."

As with anything in life, knowledge comes with the temptation to do evil. We’ll need some way of safeguarding the ammonium stores to prevent creation of explosives and instead use it for either growing plants or storing it in a secure location. This is the human challenge.

If developed nations provided free energy to less developed ones this would serve a dual purpose. The less developed nations would no longer need to rely on outdated energy creation methods, and the developed nations would have control over the source of energy in case the other nation divulged from global interests.

Selected insights from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process:

In order to catalyze the Haber-Bosch process, Iron magnetite (Fe3O4) is required to be mined. “Other minor components of the catalyst include calcium and aluminium oxides, which support the iron catalyst and help it maintain its surface area.” 

"At the same time the binding of the nitrogen atoms must not be too strong, otherwise the catalyst would be blocked and the catalytic ability would be reduced (i. e. Self-poisoning)."

"Sulfur compounds, phosphorus compounds, arsenic compounds, and chlorine compounds are permanent catalyst poisons. Oxygenic compounds like water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen are temporary catalyst poisons."

"Due to the comparatively low price, high availability, easy processing, lifespan and activity, iron was ultimately chosen as catalyst."

Ruthenium forms the 2nd generation of catalysts aimed to address this issue. This is very complex science, and likely not something the majority of the public will understand or care to, unfortunately. Perhaps nootropics could be used to increase their scientific curiosity. This is an aside however. Back to the issue at hand!

In order to address catalytic poisoning, the Hampson–Linde cycle was invented/discovered.

This is obviously highly complex science that only a few likely understand. At this point I ask a question to the AI to see how much it can simplify things for me.

Can you explain the Hampson–Linde cycle in as simple terms as possible?

From OpenAI

"Physics: The Hampson–Linde cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle that can be used to show the thermodynamic relationship between temperature and entropy of a system during a cycle of heating and cooling. The cycle consists of four steps: an isentropic expansion, a constant-temperature heat addition, an isentropic compression, and a constant-temperature heat rejection. During the cycle, the entropy of the system increases during the heat addition process, and decreases during the heat rejection process."

This elucidates at least the key components of the system. However, there is still tons of complexity to wade through. As I'm only trained in Computer Science, and I come from a Christian background, I will attempt to address the concerns from a humanitarian standpoint, thanks to freedom of speech.

As spirituality isn't a perfect science, the feint of heart are advised to stop reading now, and go on enjoying life the way they're accustomed to. This is a personal opinion rant, so take it with a grain of salt:

One major issue in the world is that advanced sciences require understanding of darkness, in order to address the issues which always come from a place of darkness. Light should be used to unify us to conquer these issues, so personal darkness must be expelled or at least limited. Statistics, psychology, and neurochemistry are used to address these issues, and policies typically follow these domains of thought. Selfishness is a major issue in regards to this, as people rarely see any benefit from altruistic purposes and have evolved to forgo these activities. 

Obviously more care needs to be taken to encourage altruistic people to breed and continue their altruistic aims in response to the other route of evolution – the one towards permanent darkness. This goes counter to ancient philosophy, in that the cycle needs to complete, whereby newer life must conquer the older growth and decay which has cemented itself seemingly forever in the depths of the underworld. This is just an illusion however.

This is obviously highly risky, and most people would prefer to turn a blind eye to the issue and instead focus on their own life, ignoring the scythe which hangs above our collective heads. Each nation addresses these issues internally, and typically only a few members of a newer generation exceed their conditions of being born lacking in knowledge to join the old guard. Eventually older generations are replaced and the newer generations take up the darkness replacing their ancestors. 

The more we share knowledge, the less risk we take on in terms of losing it. Newer generations are commonly exploited for their lack of knowledge, and those that try to defend them don’t seem to survive for very long. What can be done to stop this vicious cycle from reaching its completion (extinction of humanity.) If the world becomes dominated by old growth, any spark of fire is enough to completely devastate it. This could come in the form of an alien invasion, a meteor from space, or a discovery of Heaven/Hell. Ultimately we don't know what form the spark will come to us in, so it seems wise to be prepared for anything.

Humans seem to form a pyramid of ignorance. Those as at the bottom ignore those above them, looking at issues which occur at their level. This proceeds upward and it’s uncertain if anyone still looks up for solutions to their issues. Instead they look down to their stability as reassurance that nothing bad will happen. This is ignorant as nature produces earthquakes, tectonic collisions, and other disasters which constantly threaten it. Humanity is growing in numbers however, so the base of the pyramid is widening. Therefore those at the top should be looking up to the next level of growth as well as focusing on the base. 

People look to the arts as reassurance that humanity isn’t evil. In America at least, the only reassurance comes from those born into poverty typically. This art spreads as the public resonates with it and seems to survive the test of time. One could pessimistically surmise that good only comes from the bottom of society and those at the top either lack in talent or hide these creations for fear it might cause chaos. Obviously this isn't true, as inventions like the Internet were developed and allowed to spread.

Those at the bottom (from the perspective of being closer to the bottom) have more incentive to strive beyond the conditions which they are born into. Perhaps this is the necessary philosophical condition required to produce greatness. If people don’t protect one another, then greatness will never be achieved again. It will simply be a relic of the past. The great will be replaced by the grand, and the world will become populated by royalty. This seems like an obvious issue, as historically royal families have always clashed. Then the process will have to begin all over again.

Finally, I'll end this article with one more appeal to technology:

What are the benefits and drawbacks of genetic diversity? 

From OpenAI: 

"Genetics: The benefits of genetic diversity are that it increases the chances of survival of a species by increasing the chances of successful adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It also increases the chances of a species to resist diseases since individuals with diverse genes can have more resistance to certain diseases. The drawbacks of genetic diversity include the potential for increased competition between members of the same species due to different traits, and the potential for reduced reproductive success due to hybridization of genetically distinct individuals."

Even the disadvantages can be viewed favorably if considering overpopulation and the need for renewed competition. 

In conclusion, more effort needs to be undertaken to convince those in power to allow new life to flourish. COVID-19 is an ample example of favoring older growth as typically younger people are less prone to death by disease. However, most of us love our parents/grandparents, and so this is obviously a good thing to address. No one wants to be the inviter of death and destruction, so it's only natural that the events that took place did.

I think it's important that people maintain an open heart to all people. This is the only way to seek reconciliation in a healthy way which doesn’t involve darkness. Otherwise genetic diversity will be lost forever and we'll never know what we missed out on.