Hostage Rescue Thriller Concept

creative writing

Chinese Soviet People Stand Discussing Something (Stable Diffusion 1.5)

The main character’s (MC) brother has quit his job and plunged into a sad existence of masturbation and cheap entertainment. However his life isn’t going well either. The economy is in ruins, other countries’ philosophies have become the dark temptress of the night. Set the mood for this by showing news broadcasts speaking about selling out to Chinese interests, and others angrily arguing for an alliance with Russia. One night after work the MC runs into an old friend who’s become embroiled in Russian culture and is convinced that Stalin is alive and operating in America, building a small cohort of communists. He tries to convince the main character to join him in trying to locate him, but he’s firmly in the America and possible America/Chinese camp.

When the MC is in the bathroom, his friend places a tracking app on his phone. He exits the bathroom, tells his friend he has to leave, and they part ways. The MC returns to his typical daily routine the next morning, when he receives a text from an employer in the area who happens to be working for a Chinese employer. He accepts an offer for a job interview, and leaves his current employer for the day to stop by and see how things go.

When he arrives at the employer he attempts to be very polite, although is extremely insensitive/racist in his presentation of respect. The employer is however gracious and understanding of American stupidity and despite his offensiveness he decides to allow the interview to proceed. He invites the interviewee into a private room with a computer and asks him to briefly demonstrate his people skills by recording a short video explaining his desire to work in the company and attempting to persuade the others to accept him.

The video recording goes so poorly, that the interviewer decides it’s time to call the interview off. He jots down some notes on a tablet, and then as he’s saying his typical goodbyes to applicants his phone rings and he picks it up. His boss is on the line and decides to call him up for a brief discussion. He tells him to ask the candidate to remain in the building while the two deliberate.

The boss explains, laughing, that he has the perfect job for the fool. He decides to set up a fake second interview with a woman specializing in human trafficking. The interview is set for the next morning. The two assure the MC that he’s done well to impress them, and very few make it this far. He goes home for the night and his old friend comes over with some drugs (TBD) and the two decide to go take them and go out partying to celebrate his potential new job.

The two decide to set up MC’s brother in his place, as they’re both too high and he doesn’t think he’ll sober up in time for the second interview. They convince MC’s brother to go to the interview by paying him $200. The two aren’t sure if the potential employer remembers what he looks like, but just in case, they give him a fake mustache to match his appearance more closely. MC gives his brother his phone which has a QR code on it to access a private security gate.

Once MC’s brother arrives for the interview, he is quickly apprehended and taken hostage by the woman and her henchmen. He drops the phone during the scuffle and it falls beneath the floor out of sight. When MC’s brother fails to return from the interview, MC’s friend decides to confess that he bugged his phone because he wanted to recruit him into his soviet friend group. Fortunately, the phone managed to record the incident and provides some clues as to how they may find MC’s brother before he’s sold into slavery or worse.

They realize the woman has a soviet accent, a coincidence MC’s friend is embarrassed to admit. They also notice that the henchman are talking about extra supplies coming into their station, and seem quite happy about this. They briefly discuss how they’ll have to wait longer than normal to begin the typical hostage negotiations as they can’t establish a secure phone line without paying an exorbitant price. After this they take MC’s brother out of the room and the lights go off.