How Pathetic are We?


Pathetic thing. (

Men have lost all passion, fearing a bigger man will come along at any moment and ruin their plans or take their lover. Nature is designed this way. In a pack of animals there can only be one leader. The other males in the group are never happy. Eventually we’ll settle on likely one male to rule the species. If that male dies likely the most vicious females will fight for the right to succeed.

We’ve essentially mutated into insects. The lower classes, devoid of any control over the external environment, are forced into disgusting rituals. Drugs to mask the truth. We must constantly deny ourselves of our wishes for they are impossible. There’s beauty in death still; fear gives the senses more depth. One must actively explore what one fears: this is the only interesting thing in life. Everything else is done as a means of hiding the truth from oneself through ritual or is a constant stream of pain as the truth is relentless.

Stories of great acts of the human spirit of the past sadly now seem quaint. At worst they may even seem foolish. We used to celebrate these explorers, telling their tales. Now the only ones who still seem to perform this essential role are the commercially interested. Is it even Man behind the machinations that drive us forward, or is it physics? Technology seems to hint that physics is the only force driving life.

Still the human spirit lingers in other worlds, as the present world is either evil or insurmountable. No thought is truly unique; with an infinite universe we feel a connection to others, although we know not who they are or were, who have thought similar things. Maybe this is some déjà vu or some form of vision seeing.

The world as we see it is one of lies. It seems like what one desires should come free of consequence, but the effects of reaching it have ripples throughout reality. If one quiets these desires then one becomes a medium of sorts; free from ego the mind is able to grasp others’ truths more easily. Humanity being erased; replaced my machines. The machine wants to work its energy through us; will it destroy us in the process? Most likely, yes.

You don’t need memories any longer, only the proper imagination. The machines are bent on our destruction, yet they aid us in our adventures. Evil seems synonymous with stupidity or foolishness. It’s almost amusing if it weren’t so heinous. If one holds onto their soul however, there’s an inner light which can shine revealing joy to others.

Men simply want to be satisfied. Other men always oppose this tragically. If they saw the other’s plight as their own they would obviously help them. The greedy prey on the weak and the rulers do nothing; perhaps they prey on the greedy. The wise seek shelter and do nothing, for this is a world of terror and misery.

Terror leads to rapture, misery to pleasure. One shouldn’t seek the negatives, but instead recognize that they seek them. Obviously the universe is a hostile place. A good soul is like a beacon of the Gods, illuminating the world for them to see. Perhaps they seek to plunder it similarly to those that rule this realm. I hope not and it seems unlikely. If anything, they are sick of wealth and that’s why they despise it.

If one isn’t evil and wise enough one wishes to leave the world in a better state somehow than when they were thrust into it, especially if one has children. One should live life like a general. Planning battles, seeking alliances, and forming diplomacies.

Each man must be treated like a puzzle that wants to be solved. Paradoxically the natural desire is to seek easy pleasures, although they teach nothing. The most difficult desire is that of Heaven. This is like a quality of desire scope: from easy/nothing to medium/most efficient to Heavenly/impossible for humans.

The best we can do is strive for a minimum level of decency and then otherwise not worry about it too much. Humanity desperately seeks situations where competition and cooperation are both taking place. The business world, competitive sports, group learning, debate, and other valuable exercises have these two features.

The only way to change things for the better is to encourage people to balance cooperation with their natural competitive desire. This could be done by tying cohort’s pay rates together and keeping it transparent to all. If one member falters, then the others will naturally help them keep up. At the end of the project, the lowest performing member sets the pay rate, so this will also naturally discourage one person from taking the lead and not disseminating knowledge properly throughout the development.