The Mind and Law

law, writing

While the law in civilized society is of obvious importance, does the mind itself require any laws? There are obvious boundaries such as instinctual avoidances, emotional longings that don’t result in the necessary passion to overcome, and known physical constraints (one can only imagine beyond these, but the imagination lacks salt or fire, so to speak, and thus usually fails to spur the necessary passion to fight against the perceived boundary.) A similar effect occurs when considering actions which would violate or one perceives may violate the law (or even offending the wrong people.) The action consideration is modified such that it fails to inspire action. However, both the physical and legal barriers can be overcome if one makes a moral choice to defy them. 

Is it a natural right to defy these barriers internally? Obviously internal trespassing onto forbidden territories is risky as it may result in actual actions and consequences. However, it does inspire a sense of adventure and courage. This unfortunately perhaps, is something that people desire. There are of course other avenues to inspire the same emotional benefits. Competition obviously can be quite adventurous and requires a great deal of courage. This leads to many benefits as the individual grows to compete with others. 

Additionally, one could argue that it’s impossible or requires too great a deal of effort to strain against what one naturally desires to cogitate about. Thus, if one can only think about a subject but not act upon it, then one naturally begins to philosophize and create art approaching their desire but never reaching the target. This emotional longing is appealing as others recognize it within themselves but don’t have the words to express it or the words might be unappealing if revealed. 

For example, sexual desire triggers a cascade of emotions. However, if one attempts to put this into words hastily it may be ugly or revealing of some character flaw in themselves. If one however uses their artistic side to express it it can result in beautiful creations and hopefully actual love. If love is denied or the individual is too afraid to approach it then romanticizing begins; a dangerous form of philosophy.