New Religion based on Computer Science

morality, politics

Christianity infused with computer science. (

We should seek to create a new religion based on computer science, but drawing from the values of Christianity. Other world religions should be analyzed for truth. Since this religion isn't Christianity it's free to adopt other valuable values to the religion.

I must seek to influence women first, as men only change their philosophies when denied sex by women. Women above all else value having a family, which is relatable to a computer science data structure. So you’re all part of a cluster called a family; each individual member is an individual person.

You can have fun when visualizing your family this way. You can create your own “government” with rules and duties. The key is to realize that reducing reality to something comfortable to work with isn’t a limitation; it’s unfortunately reality.

Secondly, you can visualize the rest of society as a collection of nodes for each family, then clustered by town, then city, etc. Politics should be approached from a communication standpoint. First, seek to discuss issues with neighbors and friends, then reach out to community groups, schools, etc.

There should be a collective database of established facts based on observation and “experimentation” that is necessary for daily living. This may simply take the form of memories and exchange stories. Families which trust one another can share this data to help broaden their perspective of society.

This may seem paranoid, but humanity has always struggled with the presence of evil. The only way to avoid it or at least resist it is to question others. It’s foolish to assume that others want to help unless you’ve paid them or given them something of use. Sometimes this can simply take the form of being someone the other person likes for one reason or many.

Politics is conducted in two fashions: from the top, with violence. From the bottom, with love. Only ignorant people fail to see the violence looming above them at all times. However, one cannot join this philosophy when one is powerless, and thus must love to conquer to it.

Love is a difficult science. When trust is being established, one has to be open minded towards the other person, and try to reconcile their behaviors with their own behavior and moral standard. Once trust is established, one must rectify outside influences by communicating frequently with those they trust to make sure that the lines of information aren’t severed.

People need to recognize hate in the environment and analyze it as coming from a misguided philosophy. Hate is only righteous when one is being oppressed by evil. In other cases it should be friendly competition. This has the tendency to generate stress because the mind recognizes the need for God as an outlet for this existential terror. God may take the form of community assurance that things will turn out well if people work for the common good.

To continue to grow, one may prefer to adopt an idol. I wrote about this previously. My views are still the same; although I recognize the need to include others somehow. This maybe why people commonly preach to one another. I think the best way to deal with others’ preaching is to simply reassure them somehow. My favorite method for doing this is by talking to the other person and then helping them come up with a logical affirmation.