Refusing to Play the Game is the Only Way to Win


A game board sitting on a table tipping over with dramatic lighting (Stable Diffusion 1.5)

The universe and self appear to be in a reflective relationship. One can view the universe like a complex geometric cavern. There are unseen angles, however if one analyzes things chemically, one can imagine what is likely to be happening just around the bend.

We’ve been indoctrinated by nature. Kill or be killed; winner take all. To abandon this tenet of wisdom seems completely foolish, however I believe paradoxically this is the antidote to our own demise. When one is performing an action, if things aren’t going well, it doesn’t make sense to buckle down and work even harder on the same problem. There may be an internal problem that needs resolving which is causing the issue, or the issue isn’t an issue at all.

Nature creates the feeling of a game. One collects resources, enjoys food, they may have to fight others for territory or mating privileges. When viewed from a biological and psychological perspective the game seems rather simple; perhaps even boring. However, when viewed from a cognitive standpoint (one removed from the physical “game” going on) things become incredibly exciting. Essentially nature doesn’t give us enough time to think of the right things to do. It relentlessly demands a certain level of progress, and our stomachs remind us of it.

Male logic is try first, worry later. This is quite admirable if you think about it. There are many things which simply would never be explored if it weren’t for men willing to say “fuck it” and just go inside. And the ones that survive spread this glory of course, encouraging others to follow in their footsteps. As a result, trades, the military, government, and essentially every other job has improved in its merit.

Unfortunately, however, in this universe there is no good or bad. Any perceived quality is negatable if one is cynical enough. One could imagine we are like a 4D printed object, and our purpose is simply to express suffering (as the majority of people are generally not completely happy with their lives historically and still to this day.) So our legacy may simply be pain and misery. Of course, there are valorous or simply hedonic expressions which are captured forever in the 4D surface as well.

As a chemical thinker, one has to wonder what one needs to do to express the good emotions quantumly. One could consider it to be simply a matter of energy or heat. Excited particles travel faster and may collide more likely in a given time span due to that. Of course, chemistry teaches that in any collision there are no winners, it’s simply physics. But as humans, we definitely attribute winners and losers to conflicts.

So perhaps it’s a matter of final destination. Let’s view the situation starting from a fixed time and ending at a fixed time. Both particles approach from some positions, collide, and then end up at some positions. As humans we view time as before and after a conflict, typically. People may say “I knew something was about to go down.” or “There was nothing we could to do to stop him…” after the event is over. The loser typically strives to retrace their steps, desiring to return to their initial location. The winner seeks further conflicts as the reward of victory compels them such.

So in some sense, initiative is transferred from the loser to the winner. This serves a dualistic purpose: the loser becomes less confident, seeking alternative routes. The winner becomes more confident, seeking familiar routes. Equal and opposite reaction in two senses. In time, the loser may eventually reconfront their fears. The winner becomes somewhat beholden to their ways as they are evidently useful. However, the danger lies if one becomes afraid of broadening their mindset. In the simplest sense, this could simply mean playing a new game.