My Romantic Prospects in the Zodiac

romance, zodiac

Abstract Zodiac Signs at a Party (Stable Diffusion 1.5)

I should premise this article by stating I don’t know if the zodiac is true or statistically predicts anything about personalities. However, I enjoy entertaining notions that I’m some two faced social creature; meanwhile I’m sitting lonely at my parents’ house writing about fictional romantic engagements.

What fueled writing this article? I recently read about Aries and its potential benefits in a relationship with Geminis (which I am.) I am curious obviously about the energy that such a relationship with an Aries could bring. The pair also forms a sextile. From

“Aries and Gemini are 60⁰ apart on the zodiac wheel, which means they form a sextile. Zodiac signs that form a sextile bring ease and contentment to each other’s life. And this is indeed the case for Aries and Gemini.”

However the intellectual in me is curious about Aquarius (also from

“Aquarius and Gemini are attracted to each other’s intellectual energy. Gemini folks easily get bored” … “Aquarius people take pleasure in wowing others with their depth of knowledge.”

And I don’t know if I possess the charm and intellect required to captivate a Sagittarius. Neither of us would be organized likely, but that’s not a deal breaker to me. My battles with mental health I believe have prepared me for the potential insults or ribbing that could occur. But I question if I want that as I’m already fairly blunt myself and opposites attract.

I also consider Cancer since they are considered a sensitive sign and I’m not too worried about manipulation. It’s typically just a case of figuring out what the other person wants and doing it. Libras also interest me, as they are supposedly introspective and analytical. I’d definitely have to bite my tongue around them though; my sense of humor can sometimes be quite cruel unfortunately. Libras are described as fair, diplomatic, idealistic, and clever. I don’t think anyone would frown at those characteristics. The weaknesses listed are indecisiveness, unreliability, and compromising. These don’t seem like weaknesses to me, but perhaps advantages!

Reaching this point in thinking of various zodiac partners, I realize I don’t have much interest in dating another Gemini. Perhaps this is stupid and such a relationship would work out fine, but with such vivid differences described it feels more intriguing to pursue the variety relationship. Maybe this is a curse of astrology though. If I met a fantastic Gemini I’d likely throw away the astrology and pursue the relationship regardless.

Going by astrology, I should avoid Pisces. They are supposedly sensitive and gullible and I think I’d be too likely to playfully mess with them in an effort to loosen them up. Finding a Leo is enticing, perhaps as a business manager or partner. They are supposedly arrogant and view themselves as superior. I feel this could be an avenue for playful ribbing as sometimes I harbor false feelings of superiority which usually ironically are dissipated quickly by my severe clumsiness.

The passionate traits of Scorpio are attractive to me as well and Bill Gates is supposedly a Scorpio which is interesting as well. I like the fact that they are described as team players and loyal as those traits are important in a relationship. Virgos also seem like a decent option. They are described as logical, hardworking, creative, reliable, patient, and kind. They are also described as critical, overthinking, stubborn, picky, and uptight. I feel I could handle all the weaknesses but I may have some issues with the stubbornness (although ironically I’m a very stubborn person at times as well.) I also feel I could help them with their uptightness, although one never knows until one gets to know someone.

Capricorn also seems like a practical choice. They are described as being materialistic and I’m not that materialistic of a person, so perhaps that opposite would be in balance as a result. I am a bit hesitant of the meanness/seriousness as I already have those traits at times so I could see us having some verbal arguments.

Taurus also seems like a good choice. From the previously linked source: “As a fixed sign, Taurus values stability, persistence, and reliability; these are the major characteristics this modality affords them. As Venus rules them, Taurus members are interested in beauty, luxury, investment, and relaxation.” This sounds like a fun combination, and I also value stability/reliability, and persistence.

In the end, I’m neither more open or more closed to any of the signs, although I’d likely be curious what my romantic interest’s sign is just to see if they think it describes them. If so, then it seems like working out a relationship should be easy…