The Wealthy are the Keepers of Space

philosophy, politics

Coins bouncing up and down in space. Cosmic.  (Stable Diffusion 1.5)

The economy is evidently stale. Stock prices are dwindling, with only some optimistic hope remaining. The wealthy are flush with cash, but the economy is lacking in supply. If we could convince them to spend more, it would likely benefit the economy greatly in the long term. However, it seems there is nothing that they actually need. That being the case, money has essentially just become a static fixture in the environment. Class drift is stalling, and income and revenues are fairly balanced as you approach the low end.

What if the wealthy were to start purchasing more ravenously? There would be obvious shortages, and foolish people would sadly be prone to price gouging as a result. There may be regulations against this behavior, but I’m unfamiliar with them. Obviously electronics and chip manufacturing must increase. As we approach a near infinite power situation, those commodities will likely sell out near instantaneously.

And of course there’s the matter of food production, the most essential commodity class. Science and technology are of course helping, but more farms will likely need to be created, or existing ones expanded. The middle class needs to convince the rich to spend. America is a primarily service driven economy, but wealthy people typically like to acquire not lease talent. There’s also the fear we’re reaching the point where our non-existence is more valuable than our existence.

I previously discussed how I would approach pleaing with a machine for my survival. The wealthy are obviously shrewd, so an offer to bargain with them would likely be approached similarly. Humans like all life value maintaining it, so propositions regarding safety, survival, immortality, and other associated domains would obviously be persuasive.

Apart from these domains, which are obviously difficult, there is the matter of art. Intellectual property still remains valuable. There are concerns however, with a looming surveillance state that pilfering of intellectual property by the elite class will become an estoppel to class progression. I fear that art may essentially die or only linger in anguish in some corners of the world as a result. The only cure for this poison is to turn the apparatus of surveillance back upon the elites, thus completing the cycle.

To avoid this potential nightmare, another option would be instituting a castle doctrine nationwide. Of course, legal protection is nothing to stop bad actors from infiltrating your home. There is obviously some good intentions when it comes to policing human behavior. However, people spend the majority of their conscious time working or outside the home, so they need a respite from the barrage of public scrutiny.

Stress is increasing and the lifespan of Americans is dropping slowly. I would argue this is due to spiritual reasons, but I primarily prefer to address things in a scientific or logical fashion as I recognize this manner of persuasion to be more effective in modern times. Artists I believe need to maintain faith in their own tastes. They should only take feedback at a distance, but not internalize it. We don’t want or need conformist artists, and it’s frustrating to be reminded of the existence of the posers and copiers out there.

I have a sense the wealthy are angry, brewing in their own success and the oppression of the cosmos above. Like the poor are oppressed by the powerful, the powerful are oppressed by the cosmos. It seems to me that resolving the oppression at the human level would resolve it cosmically, although only experimentation would reveal the truth.

I question, cynically, if this is why we haven’t discovered conclusive proof of aliens. Perhaps no species in this reality is capable of the empathy and mercilessness that are paradoxically required to be present to lead a species to cosmic victory. I believe people need to spend more time questioning themselves; many people spend the majority of their time in the outer world instead of exploring inwardly. There are also those that do the reverse.

Each interaction we make as a society with the world invokes an equal but opposite reaction, so caution must always be taken. This also applies at the individual level.